With careers in philosophy, teaching, mentoring, and ministry to students, we found that there was a need for clear, reasoned explanations of the gospel of Christ and the reliability of the Bible. There was also a need for people to get answers to their questions about the faith. The Institute of Credible Christianity was formed to help us address these needs.
Peter, as a Christian philosopher (PhD, Claremont Graduate University), loves reasoned reflection and discussion on issues related to the Christian faith.
Janet (MA Education, MA TESOL) gives workshops on Bible study leadership, language and culture, and reaching international students. She mentors students and shares about following Jesus in truth and grace, and develops materials for language learners and newcomers to the Bible.
We live in California. We have two sons, wonderful daughters-in-law, four fun grandkids, and other family nearby. Our favorite activity is backpacking in the mountains and gardening at home.
Peter worked for 21 years with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, first with undergraduates, then with graduate students and professors. During that ministry, we started making annual trips to serve IV’s sister movements in Europe, the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, or IFES-Europe. On the invitation of student groups throughout Europe, we have spent an average of six weeks a year since 2000. IFES-Europe is the heart of our ministry, and we treasure the relationships and influence we have been able to have there.
We started the Institute for Credible Christianity in order to continue to speak on campuses in the USA and abroad, and to mentor, train, and help students and others to follow Jesus in confidence and joy.
When we are home in California, we mentor a group of graduate students at the University of California Santa Cruz who are following Jesus in their academic lives. They are now affiliated with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. We meet weekly all year, rotating leadership for our study of the Bible, and enjoying each other through retreats, prayer groups, discussion groups, game nights, and dinners.
When we travel in the US, Peter speaks on the invitation of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship student groups. These are often public lectures or discussions, but can also be talks with campus fellowship groups. Janet has directed a summer camp since 2010 with Chinese Christian teens who come over for a three-week camp.
Peter also gives seminars on “tough questions” at Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center most “Family Camp” weeks in the summer., and he teaches the Bible or gives apologetics talks in churches.